Welcome to the Bomber Squadron!
Welcome to Mountain Home’s NJROTC. The unit was started in 1993 with its main purpose to develop knowledgeable and productive citizens within our community and to help them become better students. There is no post-high school obligation for being in the program, however, the military branches do reward high school cadets that enter military service with increased rank and pay; and non-military organizations also look favorably on individuals who have been involved in NJROTC. Most cadets join the program to gain personal discipline and enjoy the teamwork and camaraderie experience of working with other cadets. The program offers opportunities for cadets to participate and compete with other schools in ceremonial marching including color guard, physical training, and academics. Classroom topics vary from naval history, ship navigation, meteorology, and many others. Come check us out!
What We've Done
From January 26th through the 28th cadets went to Western Heights High School and competed in a drone and drill competition. During this competition, there were no individual awards. The cadets competed against Shawnee Mission North, Willard, Alma, Western Heights, Del City, Oak Ridge, and Bearden. Cadets had enjoyed a long and enjoyable day with other cadets from Area 9 units, while learning more about other units. We thank Western Heights High School for hosting the Area 9 Championship!
Our placements were as follows-
Color Guard - 3rd
Armed Basic - 3rd
Armed Exhibition - 2nd
Overall- 4th
Cadets Continue coming to practices every day and putting in the hard work, When you are at practice you are expected to give 110%. We only have a few more weeks until the Oklahoma City Championship drill Comp.
Oklahoma City Area 9 Championship-January 26th to the 28th