Attendance update change

Mountain Home High School

2024 - 2025 Important Attendance Information

  1. Each student has 5 Parent Contact (PC) absences each semester that will not count as an unexcused absence.  PC dates can be used in the following ways:

    • Absent from school for any reason (i.e., illness not requiring a doctor’s visit, family trip/gathering, etc.).  All absences are considered unexcused until a Parent Contact phone call, or Excuse Note is presented to the office.

    • If a student is checked out from school early and does not return with a doctor’s excuse note, dentist's excuse note, therapist's excuse note, court document, or driver’s test excuse note, this will be considered 1 of the student’s 5 PC days.

    • An excuse note for any of the above reasons can be brought to the MHHS Main Office within 5 school days of the absence to be amended to an Excused Absence, and the student will retain the PC day(s).

    • For 2024-25, Friday schedules include all 8 class periods.  An absence on Friday results in an absence in all 4 A Classes and all 4 B Classes.

  2. A student is considered absent from class if he/she misses 15 minutes or more of a class.  This is considered to be at any point in the class (beginning or end).

    • The first bell rings at 7:50 and the tardy bell rings at 7:55. 

    • A student who arrives at school AFTER 8:10 AM will be considered absent from 1st block.

  3. To receive full credit for classes, students are limited to the following totals for absences in a semester:

    • 5 Parent Contact Day Absences

    • 6 Unexcused Absences in any class (A or B)

    • Absences with 3rd Party Documentation are not limited in regard to credit

  4. School Related absences (sports, clubs, etc.) are not counted against the student’s attendance record or toward Spring Semester Test exemption (ALL students take Fall Final Exams)

  5. On the 7th Unexcused absence in any single class period, the parent and student will be notified of an attendance committee conference to discuss attendance issues, future credit for the class, and to formulate a plan to address attendance issues.

  6. On the 9th Unexcused absence, students will be reported to Baxter County Juvenile Services.  A conference may be scheduled through them to assist families in rectifying attendance issues.

  7. Students must exit through the front office when checking in or out to ensure proper notification has been given.  This avoids unnecessary truancy phone calls.

Closed Campus Clarification: According to the student handbook, MHHS is a closed campus.  This means that students are not to leave campus for lunch.  (MHHS Handbook p. 22)