Mountain Home High School
2024 - 2025 Important Parking Information
Any student who desires to park on the MHHS campus must:
Complete an application in the MHHS Office
Pay a $5 Parking Permit fee
Display the hang tag from the rearview mirror of whatever vehicle the student drives to school
Parking on the MHHS Campus is as follows:
Lot A: (Main Lot Behind Press Box) A1-A5 is Staff Parking. All other spots, except those marked for Class or Student Council Officer, are open to Student parking on a First Come - First Served basis with no assigned parking spaces.
Lot B: (Main Gym Back Lot) Teachers and Staff ONLY.
Lot C: (Band Room Lot) Staff Parking in Spots C20 - C33 (North and East rows of the Lot). All other spots are open to Student parking on a First Come - First Served basis with no assigned parking spaces.
Lot D: (Dunbar Parking Lot) Teachers, Staff, and Guest / Parent parking ONLY.
Practice Field Lot: (Behind MHHS Library) Teachers and Staff ONLY.
MHHS FFA Barn Lot: Open ONLY to students with Ag instructor permission.
Vehicles parked in the Barn lot with either no Tag or a Numbered Tag for Lots A or C, will be considered to be in violation of the MHHS Handbook
Parking spaces specifically reserved for Student of the Month, Student Council, Class, or FFA Officers, are to be used by those students ONLY
Per the MHHS Handbook, parking on campus is considered a privilege, and as such, students who park on campus are eligible for random drug screenings. This screening is the same random selection that students in extracurricular activities are subject to.
Parking around the Bomber Plane and in the Parallel Parking spots on the drive leading to the HS, by students, is strictly prohibited.
Parent & Guest parking is reserved in the following areas:
Lot D (Teacher Parking)
Around the Bomber Plane
Parallel parking spaces in the drive leading to the Main HS Entrance