Dress Code Update

Mountain Home High School

2024 - 2025 Important Dress Code Information

  1. The main goal of the MHHS Handbook is to prepare our students for workplace readiness

  2. Dress and grooming should not disrupt the educational process. For example, a student shall not wear or use emblems, insignias, badges, or other symbols which distract other students, or otherwise cause disruption or interference with the operation of the school.  This includes advertisements or symbols for alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and illicit drugs.  This also includes any objects that may be deemed inappropriate or inflammatory due to circumstances at the time.

  3. Clothing that displays objectionable or inflammatory content such as a drug, alcohol, or vulgar reference shall not be worn.  

  4. Tops must cover the entire torso.  Bare midriffs and narrow strapped tops (less than the width of a one-dollar bill) are not permitted. A student’s shirt and pants/shorts/skirt must touch all the way around the waist at all times while standing or seated. No undergarments or midsection skin (front or back) can show at any time. Also, students shall not wear low-cut or revealing tops. If students have holes in their tops that bare skin, they will be asked to change their clothing. Clothes with open holes above the knee, the holes should not extend above the fingertips of the arms placed at the side of the student in a standing position.

  5. Mesh shirts and sweaters are permitted only if worn over a solid-color garment.

  6. Shorts and skirts should extend past the fingertips of the arms placed at the side of the student in a standing position. If wearing jeggings or leggings, the top being worn must extend to cover at least both the back and front of the hip and upper thigh area.

  7. Any headwear, including hats, caps, scarves, hoodies, and bandannas may not be worn inside. 

  8. Sunglasses shall not be worn inside the building.

  9. Any article that could be used as a weapon or inflict injury should not be worn.   Examples: wallet chains, choke chains, large rings, dog collars, etc.

  10. ACT 835-- Clothing that exposes underwear, buttocks, or the breasts of a female, while on the grounds of a public school during the day and at school-sponsored activities and events not applying to costumes or uniforms in a school-sponsored activity or event are not permitted.

  11. Clothing, outerwear, pins, symbols, or insignia of prohibited organizations or gangs shall not be worn to school or at any school-related activity.

  12. There shall be no visible external body piercing that could be considered dangerous or a disruption to the educational process.  There shall be no attempt at body piercing on school grounds or school property.

  13. Clothes with open holes above the knee, the holes should not extend above the fingertips of the arms placed at the side of the student in a standing position.